Posters depicting the breadth of Microsoft Product Offerings

04 Jan 2021

Shared here are printable posters for anyone who requires to have a bird’s eye view of all the Products that Microsoft Products has to offer, be it on-premise, on the Edge or in the Cloud.

A) A PDF Document that can be downloaded from here:

1) Microsoft on-premise Product Offerings

This shows all the offerings that are available on-premise, grouped by the workload area

2) Microsoft offerings on the Cloud

This shows the offerings at a high level, across the Productivity Cloud, Intelligent Cloud and others, grouped by workload area

B) A Power BI Report, that is intended to be printed as a PDF Document, that shows a single page view of all the offerings in Microsoft Azure, grouped by workload area

The Power BI Report can be accessed here

(Pl note that loading of the report might take some time initially)

It is intended that the Power BI Report would be saved as a PDF Document to be printed in A3 sized paper.